
Showing posts from March, 2020

Costa Rica Chica Part 2

Costa Rica Chica Part 2 **Edit** I initially wrote this blog post about a week and a half ago. Little did I know it was the beginning stages of the corona virus for my mom and a less severe version for me. We are both doing better now. It has been a very scary two weeks because the symptoms are serious. From experience- please adhere to instructions from health care professionals: Stay INSIDE as much as possible, exercise and eat healthy! If you are not building your immune system- do so. *** This first week being quarantined has not been the best. I am now working from home and taking care of my mother who was ill this week. On top of that I have had sinus issues and a consistent cough. Because of this I have literally been inside the whole week to stay away from others in precaution. Today I do feel a lot better and had enough strength and time to update my blog. It's my form of self care.  Four weeks ago as I frolicked throughout Costa Rica I never knew ...

Been a Long Time; I Should'nt Have Left You...

 Costa Rica Chica Part 1 Hola! I’m so happy to be back on the scene. Yes life happened and I had to take a break from blogging. I got back to work as a full time teacher in the Fall season, which is energy draining. On top of that I was cast in an amazing play, In The Red and Brown Water! So working full time and doing rehearsals meant I wasn’t getting home until midnight. However being able to act again was  well worth it. I smiled more doing one of my passions daily. And I was fortunate enough to be surrounded by a cool, talented cast. #Ilovemypeople Along with the New Year in New Orleans, comes Mardi Gras season. This means parades and also for teachers- a WEEK off!! I knew I wanted to get out the city for this holiday because #1- Mardi Gras is not my most favorite thing to be apart of. I grew up in Nola and although it is a treat- I’m over it. #2- Mardi Gras week is right before my birthday. Can we say birthday getaway maybe?? #3- I owe myself a f...