
Showing posts from June, 2019

Diary of a Vegan Wannabe Entry #1

I truly believe if I had the Internet as a child I would have become a vegan a long time ago. I was a typical child who was a picky eater but I had a twist with my particularities. I NEVER liked milk nor eggs cooked in any fashion. I was a NOLA native who did not eat seafood (of course now I do like seafood. I'll expand on that in another entry.) Normal kid friendly food grossed me out such as hot dogs, flavored chips, chocolate, etc. I would only do plain hamburgers; I mean bun, burger and a little ketchup- that's it. My favorite snack as a teenager was a plate with different types of fruit and french breach on the side. This was even my bag lunch offerings on field trips. Yes my friends- I am truly cut from a different cloth. As an adult my life was changed when I tried almond milk for the first time. It was the moment I had a milk drink and did not gag. Ever since that day I have explored vegetarian and vegan cuisine. I love the creativity and health benefits of this coo

Marquee Monday: Pure Barre

Its MARQUEE MONDAY and our highlighted workout is Pure Barre. I am super excited about this review because Pure Barre (PB for short) has been one of my go to workouts to do exactly what their motto says " lift, tone and burn." I started taking PB classes about three years ago in Austin, TX. I am a trained dancer so seeing the word "barre" was enticing in itself. Back then the signature class was called PB Classic and was the only class offered (they now have 3 types of classes. More on that later!) Being the trained dancer that I am, I was convinced I would be doing all the dance moves I remember from ballet and probably be the star of the class. WRONG!! The 90 second plank that is included in the warm -up ( Yes I said warm-up) was enough for me to twirl on out the room. It. Was. Hard. After making it through the class I decided that a regular dance class would do just fine for me. After taking my regular dance classes and eating healthy, I still was not los

Vision Board Surfing

June is a time for traveling, relaxing, taking breaks and preparing for new adventures. It is also the half year mark and I'm wondering how many people are still sticking with their goals for 2019. My Vision Board! Vision boards and vision casting are very popular these days. Like many others, I created one in December with pictures and phrases I wanted to fill my 2019. Well... I like to think I am making baby steps towards my goals. Hey- this blog is one of those baby steps to my "fitness guru" phrase on my board. Go Me!! According to a Forbes Magazine article 85% of small business owners that used vision boards report they have accomplished more than half of their goals.  The article also noted that an important factor to this success is visualizing your goal in detail and technicolor. STOP!! Take a 2 minute break from this post and schedule a time to visualize your most desired goal today........ Go ahead- put it on your phone calendar and set an alarm for it

Marquee Monday: Cycle Bar New Orleans

Calling all Fitness Goers!! Today is Marquee Monday! I will be giving you the rundown on some of the hottest workouts near and far. Cause I would not be a good fitness friend if I didn't right?? Today on the Marquee we have the Cycle Bar. I went to one of their themed rides last week for a little fun and fitness with one of my friends Karrie (thanks for coming with me girlie!). It was both our first time attending a cycling class so being the gracious adventurer I am, I asked a friend to join in on the new experience. Walking into the NOLA location you are warped into a mostly white interior receiving room and a smiling front desk host. The host eagerly signed us up for our first ride ( BTW your first ride is free for all locals!) and began to show us the class prep procedures. The host gave us a tour of the studio pointing out the the lockers, dressing area and ride room.  We were also introduced to our Cycle Star (the teacher) Kaitlyn who was very helpful getting us set u

Laugh to Fitness

I like laughing and making people laugh . There have been times that I allowed myself to be the butt of a joke just to see people smile. Some people think laughing a lot is a sign of immaturity or a nervous habit. I would like for all of your nay-sayers to calm down. Laughter benefits your health. No really!! Research shows that laughter is a great distraction from bad habits ( overeating, smoking, depression) and stress reliever. **Body Goals Alert** Laughter tones your abs! Yes a great laugh can initiate your stomach muscles which is the same muscle group used when exercising the abdominal wall. A great laugh session is similar to cardio work accomplished through a slow walk. Are you turning on some stand-up comedy or funny memes yet?? Ah my favorite subject- endorphines. That's right my friends, endorphines are released when you are laughing, which are natural pain relievers AND make you feel overall happiness. Cue Stephanie Mills song " I Feel Good." Even

The Fit Marquee

What up world! I appreciate you coming to visit. Get comfortable for a moment as I introduce my site to you. I am here to be your fit friend who puts you on to all things fitness. Ya know - the hot new workout in town, best foods to maintain your toned bod, clothes that show off your favorite body goals. OR I'm that friend that tells you how to get a toner bod, what to drink before a workout or how to get fit on a budget. Now please don't think ya girl is only concerned about your external, because your a whole person I have to give tips on how to be your best INNER you too! I'm not so superficial where I can overlook your mental health. We are going to chat on the importance of self care, de-stressing your life and going for career goals even if it means changing your career later in life ( I'm doing that now!). Last but certainly not least... Financial Fitness will be are part of our journey. I mean- why not?? All of these areas are a part of my journey tha