Diary of a Vegan Wannabe Entry #1
I truly believe if I had the Internet as a child I would have become a vegan a long time ago. I was a typical child who was a picky eater but I had a twist with my particularities. I NEVER liked milk nor eggs cooked in any fashion. I was a NOLA native who did not eat seafood (of course now I do like seafood. I'll expand on that in another entry.) Normal kid friendly food grossed me out such as hot dogs, flavored chips, chocolate, etc. I would only do plain hamburgers; I mean bun, burger and a little ketchup- that's it. My favorite snack as a teenager was a plate with different types of fruit and french breach on the side. This was even my bag lunch offerings on field trips. Yes my friends- I am truly cut from a different cloth. As an adult my life was changed when I tried almond milk for the first time. It was the moment I had a milk drink and did not gag. Ever since that day I have explored vegetarian and vegan cuisine. I love the creativity and health benefits of this coo