Laugh to Fitness

I like laughing and making people laugh . There have been times that I allowed myself to be the butt of a joke just to see people smile.

Some people think laughing a lot is a sign of immaturity or a nervous habit. I would like for all of your nay-sayers to calm down. Laughter benefits your health. No really!! Research shows that laughter is a great distraction from bad habits ( overeating, smoking, depression) and stress reliever.

**Body Goals Alert**

Laughter tones your abs! Yes a great laugh can initiate your stomach muscles which is the same muscle group used when exercising the abdominal wall.

A great laugh session is similar to cardio work accomplished through a slow walk. Are you turning on some stand-up comedy or funny memes yet??

Ah my favorite subject- endorphines. That's right my friends, endorphines are released when you are laughing, which are natural pain relievers AND make you feel overall happiness. Cue Stephanie Mills song " I Feel Good."

Even Proverbs 17: 22 says, A joyful heart is good medicine, But a broken spirit dries up the bones.

So all you folks out there who say '"Oh Stacye is so silly" or " That girl know she is goofy," take a chill pill! I am laughing my way to great health :)

What makes you laugh? Share it below.

Remember to laugh and to take some time to smile today!


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