
Beyoncé Renaissance Concert- The Healthy Way!

    Attending Beyoncé's renaissance concert promises a unique blend of music, entertainment, and artistry. With all the excitement surrounding such an event, it's easy to neglect your health and fitness routine. However, it's entirely possible to enjoy the experience while also prioritizing your well-being. This article outlines practical tips to help you stay fit and healthy while attending Beyoncé's renaissance concert Plan Ahead : Before the concert, plan your day with health in mind. Consider your meals, hydration, and schedule. Pre-pack nutritious snacks like fruits, nuts, and protein bars to keep your energy levels up without relying solely on concert food. Stay Hydrated : With all the dancing and excitement, it's crucial to stay hydrated. Carry a reusable water bottle and take sips throughout the event to prevent dehydration. Eat Mindfully : While concert food might be tempting, make an effort to choose healthier options. Opt for grilled rather than fried, an...

Fit Friend Friday: GET FIT WITH COREY

It’s FIT FRIEND FRI-YAY!  Today I am highlighting a Nola native, Corey Elbert AKA Get Fit With Corey. Elbert, a personal trainer and group fitness leader, found interest in the health industry while competing in pageantry. Little did I know that Corey is not only a champ in the fitness arena but a real life superhero serving as full time police officer! I had the pleasure of attending one of Corey’s high-energy step classes before the quarantine. It was not only fun, had popping music and fly movements but Corey is so engaging. He has jokes, personality and will “drop it low” with you side by side if you need the encouragement.  He is most definitely one of my #FITFRIENDGOALS. Read more about Corey below: Explain how you got your start in fitness. CE: I started the love for fitness, first, as being a member of a gym and doing classes as a student. In 2015 I participated in male pageantry where I competed against other guys for titles to be...

Costa Rica Chica Part 2

Costa Rica Chica Part 2 **Edit** I initially wrote this blog post about a week and a half ago. Little did I know it was the beginning stages of the corona virus for my mom and a less severe version for me. We are both doing better now. It has been a very scary two weeks because the symptoms are serious. From experience- please adhere to instructions from health care professionals: Stay INSIDE as much as possible, exercise and eat healthy! If you are not building your immune system- do so. *** This first week being quarantined has not been the best. I am now working from home and taking care of my mother who was ill this week. On top of that I have had sinus issues and a consistent cough. Because of this I have literally been inside the whole week to stay away from others in precaution. Today I do feel a lot better and had enough strength and time to update my blog. It's my form of self care.  Four weeks ago as I frolicked throughout Costa Rica I never knew ...

Been a Long Time; I Should'nt Have Left You...

 Costa Rica Chica Part 1 Hola! I’m so happy to be back on the scene. Yes life happened and I had to take a break from blogging. I got back to work as a full time teacher in the Fall season, which is energy draining. On top of that I was cast in an amazing play, In The Red and Brown Water! So working full time and doing rehearsals meant I wasn’t getting home until midnight. However being able to act again was  well worth it. I smiled more doing one of my passions daily. And I was fortunate enough to be surrounded by a cool, talented cast. #Ilovemypeople Along with the New Year in New Orleans, comes Mardi Gras season. This means parades and also for teachers- a WEEK off!! I knew I wanted to get out the city for this holiday because #1- Mardi Gras is not my most favorite thing to be apart of. I grew up in Nola and although it is a treat- I’m over it. #2- Mardi Gras week is right before my birthday. Can we say birthday getaway maybe?? #3- I owe myself a f...