Marquee Monday: Cycle Bar New Orleans

Calling all Fitness Goers!! Today is Marquee Monday! I will be giving you the rundown on some of the hottest workouts near and far. Cause I would not be a good fitness friend if I didn't right??

Today on the Marquee we have the Cycle Bar. I went to one of their themed rides last week for a little fun and fitness with one of my friends Karrie (thanks for coming with me girlie!). It was both our first time attending a cycling class so being the gracious adventurer I am, I asked a friend to join in on the new experience.

Walking into the NOLA location you are warped into a mostly white interior receiving room and a smiling front desk host. The host eagerly signed us up for our first ride ( BTW your first ride is free for all locals!) and began to show us the class prep procedures.

The host gave us a tour of the studio pointing out the the lockers, dressing area and ride room.  We were also introduced to our Cycle Star (the teacher) Kaitlyn who was very helpful getting us set up in the ride room. She showed us our to lock our cycle shoes into the pedals of the bicycle. Don't be scared! If you turn your heel the opposite way of the bicycle you can unlock and run out the room if you have too. JUST KIDDING 😂

Here is my review rundown in the F.A.S.T. rating system ( F- Fun/ A- Accessibility/ S- Skill/ T- Time):

Fun -

The theme for our ride was " Calling all DJs" which sounds like its popping right? As you enter the ride room the music if pumping and there are two video screens of corresponding music videos. During the ride there is a cool light show that makes you feel like your at a club but your riding a bike instead of dancing. At some points the room goes dark to really let you go your hardest without worrying about who is looking at you sweating like crazy!. The Cycle Bar puts the F in fun!


This rating speaks to various areas; location, price, equipments. The location in NOLA is on Magazine street which can be busy at times. There is parking on the street and lots of side streets to park on just in case you attend class during a peak time.

The price is $20 a class. There are various package rates that go from 2-8 classes a month. I also learned from a fellow rider that there was a summer package special for 3 months worth of unlimited rides for $75 for students.
The equipment for this class is cycle shoes and bicycle which is included in your price.


If you have never rode a bicycle before don't be turned off. You can do cycling with no previous skill. The Cycle Star will guide you verbally with cues on movements, when to turn your resistance on your bicycle, etc. The class also incorporated bar shaped weights into the workout for some toning. The front row of riders were all experienced riders- so look to them when you might not know what is going on in class.


I am one of those exercisers who likes to get it in and get on out! The class we took was about 55 minutes, which included a cool down and stretch at the end. I love the rise of energy and conclusion without going over an hour.

Overall The Cycle Bar is a fun fitness experience that is a great cardio option.

Do you think you will try this exercise style? Yes or no? Leave a comment below and let me know what you think of this exercise style.

The Fit Marquee


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